Gurbanov Habil
He was born in 1955. In 1975 he was graduated from Geography faculty of Pedagogical Institute with honors diploma. After graduating  he started working as a Junior researcher at the  Academy of Science. From  November 1975 till December 1976  he was in military service. In 1977-80 he worked as an Independent Secretary at Komsomol organization of Baku Carpet Factory. From 1980 till 1990 he worked as an Inspector, a  teacher methodologist of education department , deputy chief of Baku Special Middle Police School of USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1985 he graduated in Volqograd High School of Research (Distance education) . In 1988 he  defended a candidacy in jurisprudence at the academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.In 1990-2001 he worked as a Prosecutor, procurator-general of General control department at Baku Prosecutor's Office, deputy prosecutor of Garadagh district of Baku city, prosecutor of Shabran region, chief of Department of Controls of Execution of Punishment at General Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan Republic. In 1997 he successfully defended a Doctoral dissertation in law sciences at the Scientific research Institution of Jurisprudence and Law-related problems of  General Prosecutor's Office of Russian Federation. In 1997 he receieved a diploma of Doctor of Law sciences of Russian Federation and in 1998  of Azerbaijan Republic.
In 1997-2003 years he worked as a  Head of Criminal Law and Criminal Process Department of Baku Branch of Moscow State Open University, in 2003-2009s  he was dean of the Law Faculty of the Azerbaijan University, from 2009 to October 2010 he worked at the Azerbaijan University as a professor of social sciences.
In September 2010, he received a professor title by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
From October, 2010 to November, 2016 he worked as the head of department of "State and law theory, civil law and civil process" of ANAS Institute of Philosophy and Law.
From December, 2016 he works as the senior scientific employee of "State and Constitutional Law" department of ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights.
He is the author of about 180 scientific works, including 8 monographs and 5 manuals and textbooks. 3 monographs and more than 30 scientific articles were published abroad.
In April 2009 he was elected as a full member of the International Academy of Sciences of the Turkish World Research and in December 2009, the European Academy of Natural Sciences. He is a member of the United Nations International Anti-Drug Organization.
From February 3, 2017 to July 19, 2017 he worked as Deputy Chairman of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. From  July 20, 2017 he is the Chairman of the Free Trade Union of ANAS. Married, has 2 children